Stats & Stanzas: A Public Health of Healing, Resistance, & Resurgence

Developed and co-organized the first annual poetry & public health event at the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health, in collaboration with Self Enhancement Inc and Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon. The event featured guest poet Brianna Renae, and readings from Des Spicer-Orak and youth poets from APANO and SEI. SoundsByDonta provided the soundtrack for the evening, spinning a mix of dope R&B and a Stats/Stanzas mix curated by Sylvia Rivera. Shout out to Love Belizean and Boba Licious for the catering, to the BREATHE crew for holding down registration etc., to Dr. Dawn Richardson for creating the space for this work, to Tojo for the photography, and to Adri Jones and Kelly Mackura for doing ALL of the things to make this happen!


“Illmatic Consequences” book chapter drop!
