Longlist for 2022 Frontier Poetry New Voices Contest

Submission of 3 poems—”Fall”, “Glass Factory”, and “The People v. Smokey, 596 U.S. 525 (2022)”—longlisted for the 2022 New Voices Contest by Frontier Poetry.

—Excerpt from “Glass Factory”:

…whatever was intended
before its maker bailed tossed it
to a pile where children in
grape-jelly-stained tank tops
foraged for magic; smoked
and frosted were the best,
purple and red, blue and
green swirl with unbroken
lips, flecks of sunrise orange

we cut our tiny brown hands
over and over to give
fresh-plucked dandelion a home,
a refractive death that made
mothers and aunties and
great grandmothers smile
as if they knew all along
that we, too, were taken
from that pile, that god
chipped all of our edges –

that we may cut
the untrained hands
that come for us…


“Poetry for the Public’s Health” Launch


3 poems published in Amplify journal